Summer Food Program

WREG: (Memphis) School is officially out for students in Shelby County and the city is trying to find a way to keep them safe and healthy.  They kicked off the new summer food program that begins June 3rd.  Most of us don't think twice about having something to eat, but a nationwide study shows 23% of children in Memphis are considered food insecure.  "It's kind of hard sometimes.  It gets hard and it's hot," explained one mother.  She says that's why refrigerators are almost bare in some Westwood households.  She is among those celebrating the kick-off of the city's new summer food program that will hand out meals in 23 city parks.  Mayor AC Wharton said he wasn't going to let budget woes keep the city from offering this program.  "This is a priority and I'm not going to let the fact that things are tight downtown and it's so good that people are responding.  We've got so many partners on this."  Cigna Health Care donated $127,000 to fund the two month summer program.  Company executives say it was an easy sell.  The program will offer more than just food.  With each meal, there will be a message about staying safe and away from trouble.  The mayor says there will be a message in leadership development, jobs skills making healthy lifestyle choices.  For those adults wanting to make a difference this summer, the program is looking for volunteers.  For more information regarding the summer food program, click here.    


  1. It would be helpful if you identified the writer of each piece on your website, and the date it was posted.


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